Annual Meeting News and Recap

Our annual meeting was held on October 1st. The slate, as recommended by the nominating committee, was unanimously adopted by the outgoing board. Our new officers and Executive Committee Members are as follows: President-Elect, Edward Mevec (2-year term); Vice...

2014 New Member iPod Shuffle Winner

This year’s new member and winner of the drawing for a new Apple 2GB iPod Shuffle is Donna Marinacci, an ALJ with the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. Congratulations to Judge Marinacci and a warm welcome to all our new members!

Courts & Increasing Interpreter Costs

In today’s New York Times, a fascinating article on the budget crises many states are facing over climbing demand for court interpreters. Can NY be far behind? – As the Demand for Court Interpreters Climbs, State Budget Conflicts Grow as...