Technology Friday

Earlier this week, while looking for something to fill this column, I happened across an app that adjusts your computer’s display to the time of day— warm at night and like sunlight during the day. It’s called F.lux, it’s free, and I’m hooked.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I often find myself working into the night and after a while I get bleary-eyed staring at my screen. After I installed F.lux it adjusted my screen to the time of day and I was amazed. The program uses your geographical location and the type of lighting you use at night to figure out the appropriate screen color and temperature.

As the day progresses, F.lux gradually adjusts your screen to match your surroundings, resulting in a more comfortable work environment and less eye strain. The app can be adjusted from the settings dialog for fine tuning the night time color and temperature. (See above graphic).

It’s such a simple thing you’ll wonder why this isn’t built into all computers! It takes on the lighting of the room you’re in, an eye-saver for anyone who burns the midnight oil.

Cost: Free

Helps keep your eyes from getting tired and bleary
Works in Windows XP/Vista/7, Linux, Mac



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